Qricambi is structured to guarantee maximum privacy and security for each search of its users. For this reason, all searches are done by a software called “Qricambi Server” which must be installed on a company PC. Unfortunately, PCs and corporate connections are not always efficient and for this reason we have created the “Turbo server” option.


Maximum speed, always available

The Turbo server option is a fast and economical solution to improve the search performance of your Qricambi.

La ricerca Turbo è dedicata tutti i professionisti che hanno una connessione lenta, una rete aziendale complessa o poter continuare a lavorare su Qricambi anche in mobilità, quando i dispositivi aziendali sono spenti.

Turbo server is dedicated to all professionist who have a slow connection, a complex corporate network. It is also very useful to continue to work with Qricambi even on the move, when corporate devices are turned off.

    Dedicated virtual machine

    The Turbo server requires the activation of a Qricambi Server on a cloud server managed by a third-party provider.
    Main technical features of the service:

    • Server with dedicated IP for each customer

    • Guaranteed availability > 99% garantita superiore al 99%

    • 1Gbit high speed connection